Andrea Gribble had 13 years experience in the corporate world when she decided to start her own business. It wasn’t easy, but today, her company #SocialSchool4Edu, has a team of more than 20 and serves nearly 70 school districts throughout the country. After working with her daughter’s school district, she learned that many schools lack the time and expertise to feel comfortable with social media and #SocialSchool4EDU was born from that desire to help other schools do the same.

I met Andrea a few years back at a National School Public Relations Association National Seminar in Chicago and she is infectious. She’s outgoing, friendly, helpful, and humble and in just a few short years she has built her company up by bootstrapping and pure hustle. It certainly wasn’t without risk and turmoil as she will discuss in this episode, which was recorded during the NSPRA 2018 National Seminar in Anaheim, part of my NSPRA Podcast Sessions recorded in the hotel lobby. This is a fun episode about entrepreneurship and following your passions even when things get tough.

Visit Andrea’s company online at