The Original BreakDrink Podcasts 2010-2013 if you care to listen.

Updates from Laura & Jeff -- what has happened since dissertation completion - you can read our big papers here, if you’d like:

Pasquini, L. A. (2014). Organizational identity and community values: Determining meaning in post-secondary education social media guidelines and policy documents. (Doctoral dissertation). Digital Collections, University of North Texas. ProQuest. [Related pubs and info here:

Jackson, J. L. (2015). Identifying Competencies Required for Entry-Level Student Affairs Employment. (Doctoral dissertation). Townsend Memorial Library, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor.

What we are teaching as faculty full-time and as adjuncts:

Laura: teaching scholarship experience as a lecturer + HEAL 570: Leveraging Technology for in Higher Education Environments (via Royal Roads); mentioned UWM’s Administrative Leadership Masters program online; also research with The Digital Learning & Social Media Research GroupJeff: Is the Dean of Student Affairs at UTSA School of Medicine; also adjuncts with the UTSA HSA program - Foundations of Student Affairs (see more here) + organizational management

Potential topics for future podcasts for @BreakDrink might  include:

Moving to higher ed in the Netherlands, if you move permanently & become a Dutch citizen you must choose your nationality.Laura’s experience learning to play and love the ukulele. Thanks, Joyce. #BestGiftEver p.s. Joyce is dutch, so we should talk to her JeffBreakDrink reunion show to catch up with the BD family + shout out to @julieclarsen for recent visits we had to Seattle. Melbourne coffee IS a thing -- despite what Jeff thinks. Why I (and others) love Melbourne’s coffee culture. Jeff puts “book a trip to Melb” on the calendar.Breakfast tacos + more foodie talks -- WHERE OR WHO has the best breakfast tacos in Texas?  Here’s a top 10 list of breakfast taco places in TX found about said topic. This debate is to be fact-checked & verified in person. Jeff thinks San Antonio - Laura is not sure, but willing to explore this topic further and in-person... for science.#naspa17 Conference in San Antonio, TX in Jeff’s home town in March -- perhaps a live session at The Friendly Spot (you’ve been warned) or in Jeff’s backyard.

Podcasting: It’s Been a While... and It’s Changed

We lament on how much has changed in a few years of podcasting since we’ve been out of the podcast gameIntern applications will be available for BreakDrink soon (sarcastically said by Jeff, but hey we’d welcome one).Podcasting by Leo Leporte5 by 5 Gimlet MediaPanoplyThe Ringer Podcast NetworkRecommended podcasts from Jeff & Laura:Reply All hosted by PJ Vogt and Alex Goldman (from TDLR)CrimetownHomecoming starring Catherine Keener, Oscar Isaac, and David Schwimmer.Wiretap (archived) by Jonathan GoldsteinHeavyweight with Jonathan GoldsteinWe thank Serial for bringing back podcast love.Startup chronicles the Gimlet Media podcast network startup (season 1)A few, of many, higher ed podcast to check out:Professional Reputations Aside (archive) with Valerie & MattStudent Affairs Spectacular via The Student Affairs CollectiveHigher Ed Live (Student Affairs Live et al.)Teaching in Higher Ed with BonnieTOPcast Podcast with Kelvin & Thomas from UCFResearch in Action hosted by Katie Linder at OSU EcampusThe Imposters Podcast with Sue, Mal, Becca & AmmaJosie & The Podcast with Josie (of course)The #3Wedu Podcast: Women Who Wine in Edu with Tanya, Jess, Nori, Patrice & LauraInterested in podcasting yourself? Check the “How to Podcast: Advice, tips & tricks” 2 part episodes from “You’ve Got This” podcast, specifically episode #2 and episode #3 [Thanks, Katie!]

Reflecting on the Campus Tech Connection (#CTCX)-Breakdrink from September 20, 2013

My goodbye to BreakDrink -- show highlights that might make us prolific? (not really)

You predicted we would have phones with the screens as large as an iPadData plans would change and we would be charged by data usage Kindle Fire - not impressed with their 4G for $50/year programThe business models of publishing & bookstores on campus will be challenged by online Use of tablets and BYOD in the classroom will increaseState legislature involvement to digitize textbooks & courses Productivity Hacks -- discussed ahead = our best hack, not podcasting anymoreJeff mentioned TED Ed “create your own” lesson plan -- irony,...

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