Emma Livingstone is one of around 130,000 adults living with Cerebral Palsy in this country, making it one of the largest disability groups in the UK. A trained Speech Therapist and married with three children, Emma realised through her own experience that those suffering with CP are abandoned by the authorities once they turn 18.

Frustrated for herself and for the others in her community she decided to go from 'complainer to campaigner' and founded the charity Adult CP Hub, to lobby for those much needed services to be provided as lifelong integrated care for adults with cerebral palsy.

In this replay episode Lou talks to Emma about her passion for positive change, her tenacity, her ability to own her condition and her drive to create a community that receives more recognition and support.

Find more about Emma's charity at http://adultcphub.org and follow her on twitter @adultcphub and instagram @adultchphub

Join Lou on Linkedin, or sign up to her mailing list for her newsletter and a free bite-size short course on how to be a podcast guest. Follow her @brave_newgirl on Instagram and get her books Brave New Girl- How to be Fearless, FEAR LESS and her Internationally Bestselling book DARE TO SHARE on Amazon or Waterstones or Barnes & Noble. UK & US versions available.

Lou is the founder of Silk Studios - the Podcast Guest Agency a podcast guest booking service https://silk-studios.co.uk

Music is licensed from Melody Loops 

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