We're opening up the mailbag. In this episode of Brave New Work, Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans tackle the topics of some of your most fascinating questions, from gossip to peer feedback to all-hands meetings.
In this episode of Brave New Work, Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans dive into our mailbag and answer some of the top questions we're hearing from our listeners.

Questions featured in this episode:

Is back channeling good or bad in the workplace?

How to get colleagues comfortable giving each other peer-to-peer feedback?

What's a more participatory way to prioritize and commit to work?

What's an all hands meeting actually good for?

Talk more about self-set pay and what The Ready is experimenting with around money

Mentioned references:

"gossip and group dynamics"

Alastair's episode: BNW Ep. 65 with Alastair Steward

performance management episode: BNW Ep. 56

Kim Scott's episode: BNW Ep. 13 with Kim Scott

"Shape up method" from Basecamp

Theory Y


retreats episode: BNW Ep. 64

"essential intent"

Our book is available now at bravenewwork.com
We want to hear from you. Send your thoughts and feedback to [email protected]
Looking for some help with your own transformation? Visit theready.com

We're opening up the mailbag. In this episode of Brave New Work, Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans tackle the topics of some of your most fascinating questions, from gossip to peer feedback to all-hands meetings.

In this episode of Brave New Work, Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans dive into our mailbag and answer some of the top questions we're hearing from our listeners.

Questions featured in this episode:

Is back channeling good or bad in the workplace?
How to get colleagues comfortable giving each other peer-to-peer feedback?
What's a more participatory way to prioritize and commit to work?
What's an all hands meeting actually good for?
Talk more about self-set pay and what The Ready is experimenting with around money

Mentioned references:

"gossip and group dynamics"
Alastair's episode: BNW Ep. 65 with Alastair Steward

performance management episode: BNW Ep. 56

Kim Scott's episode: BNW Ep. 13 with Kim Scott

"Shape up method" from Basecamp
Theory Y
retreats episode: BNW Ep. 64

"essential intent"

Our book is available now at bravenewwork.com

We want to hear from you. Send your thoughts and feedback to [email protected]

Looking for some help with your own transformation? Visit theready.com