“I look at this herb as part of my diet. We have an ECS and we can become deficient and we can supplement it with these phytocannabinoids.” Tom Stacey, host of the Kannaboom podcast, on how and why he became a cannabis advocate and podcaster.People aren’t waiting for researchers to validate the benefits of cannabis and CBD. Tom Stacey is one of those people. After his brother had a car accident that left him with epilepsy, Tom watched his brother’s health decline, a decline he attributed to the mountain of pharmaceuticals his doctors prescribed. After his brother died, Tom decided to reexamine and reignite his relationship with the plant. Now he does a podcast, Kannaboom, that is devoted to reinventing the narrative of “marijuana as the devil’s lettuce” and guides people to well made and safe CBD products and information.(Until recently, Tom’s podcast was called Kannaboomer, as it was aimed at listeners 50+ whose bodies (and sleep patterns) were falling apart. But he found that people of a certain age weren’t online searching for information so he renamed his show to Kannaboom.)One of the mysteries about cannabis and the Baby Boom generation is this: Boomers were born during Woodstock and the hippie revolution. As teenagers or college students so many smoked pot or were exposed to it and knew it wasn’t going to kill you. But once they hit their 30s they turned to alcohol as the socially approved substance. Somehow the propaganda and storytelling about it frying your brain, killing your sperm or destroying your memory ingrained itself in their psyches and they too became fearful of the plant.In this episode we explore that myth that and present some of the realities about this “people’s medicine” that grows in the ground and can never kill you, no matter how much you take. Tom also guides you to some of the better CBD products on the market.