CBD is the lesser-known compound in cannabis, the quiet sister molecule to noisy THC. It doesn’t get you high, but it effectively treats an enormous number of illnesses including pain, arthritis, insomnia, and anxiety (everything from PTS to stage fright). It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory—20 times as potent as aspirin and twice as strong as cortisone – with none of the side effects.The big problem with CBD is the price. In the absence of federal regulation (Yes, Republican listeners, regulation can be a good thing) companies are charging from 5 cents/mg to 60 cents/mg, simply because they can. Even worse, the eye-bleeding prices have no bearing on quality. This article, by yours truly, explores why the price of healing is so damn high and how educated patients can find lower-cost, higher-quality CBD products.This week's podcast dives into the topic with Jesse Stanley, one of the founders of CW Hemp, Colorado’s largest hemp-CBD producer. He and his family shot to fame when Dr. Sanjay Gupta featured their high-potency hemp CBD oil on his 2013 documentary, "Why I Changed My Mind on Weed," and showed it cutting the number of epileptic seizures that young Charlotte Figi suffered from 300 a day to 3 a week.If you’re interested in CBD -- and if you have pain, stress or any other age-related challenge, you should be -- and if you’re in NYC August 15, please join us at The Alchemist’s Kitchen to hear a special live podcast with Dr. Junella Chin, one of the finest and most experienced medical cannabis physicians in the country. Dr. Chin will talk about how to best use CBD and why it is key to the future of medicine. Don’t miss it. She’s a brilliant healer and a fantastic speaker.