You asked: 'How do I talk about weed to the kids?' What’s up with Bobbi Brown’s CBD makeup line?' 'How do I dial back THC if I take too much?'... & more. One of the world's leading cannabinologists, Dr. Sunil Aggarwal, provides the answers!Interview begins at 15:30.One of the privileges of hosting this podcast is the feedback we get from you, our growing and glorious community of listeners. As a group, you are engaged, thoughtful, opinionated and not at all shy about expressing those opinions. Last week, Janet told us she dislikes our music and our intro. Julie and Bob both think our news segments are too long, while Stephen thinks they aren’t long enough. Many of you bemoan the corporatization of cannabis – an assessment we’re not unsympathetic with and will be addressing in upcoming episodes. The majority of queries center around medical cannabis -- What’s the difference between Hemp CBD and CBD from whole plant? What’s the right dose? Can a topical really treat acne…or a migraine? I’ve been logging your questions in hopes of getting one of the world’s experts, Dr. Sunil Aggarwal, to answer them. Finally we found the time and I couldn’t be more pleased to share the microphone with him. Sunil’s credentials are as impressive as they are extensive. He’s a medical doctor who also holds a B.S. in chemistry, a B.A. in philosophy (with a minor in religious studies), and a Ph.D. in medical geography. He currently serves as the co-director of the Advanced Integrative Medical Sciences Institute (AIMS) in Seattle, WA. In other words, he is a great student of this complex plant. Tune in to find many surprising answers to your many surprising questions. And if you don’t get the answers you need, send us a note at [email protected] and we’ll help you find them. Patreon supporters, of course, get first consideration!And while we have your attention -- Happy Holidays!