“These days, we have so many labels around. Some say they have a short attention span, that they have an addictive personality, or they’re not good at time management. We use these labels that are really self-defeating. If you believe in these labels, you will act accordingly, so choose a good label. The best label is to become indistractable. I chose that title because it sounds like indestructible. It's meant to be a moniker that you can use to say that’s who you are.” - Nir Eyal

“There's no such thing as overnight success in business, even the fastest growing companies. It takes consistent effort. That's really the secret to a life well-lived. It's putting in the time in the right places in your life according to your values. So many people are cheap with their money, but when it comes to their time, they give it away to whoever wants it. It should be actually the opposite because you can always make more money, but you can't make more time. We should be stingy with our time and generous with our money.” - Nir Eyal

“Most people would say the opposite of distraction is focus. That's not exactly right. Based on the word’s entomology, the opposite of distraction is traction, which means any action that pulls you towards what you said you were going to do. Both words have the same Latin root ‘trahere’, which means to pull. Traction is any action that pulls you towards what you said you were going to do and distraction is any action that pulls you away from what you plan to do. Distraction is an action that we ourselves take. It depends on the intent.” - Nir Eyal

This conversation between Jeremy Au and Nir Eyal, the bestselling author of “Hooked” and "Indistractable," shares insights into mastering focus and avoiding distractions. The discussion revolves around three key themes:

Understanding the Psychology of Distraction: Nir explains the internal and external triggers that lead to distraction and emphasizes the importance of mastering emotional discomfort as the first step to becoming indistractable.Time Management and Calendar Control: He highlights the significance of planning time for traction, aligning one's schedule with personal values, and using schedule syncs to prioritize tasks and prevent distractions.Building Consistency and Identity: He also shares his personal journey towards becoming indistractable and advocates for adopting the identity of an indestructible person to make focused choices consistently.

Throughout the conversation, they talk about the power of intentionality in one’s personal and professional life, implementing the strategies outlined in his book. They also discussed the impact of technology in creating habits, the challenges of writing a book and achieving personal growth through consistent effort.

Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/mastering-indistractability

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