“For us sitting in the pre-seed stage, we really haven't changed our pace, but for the portfolio companies who are raising seed and plus, we've definitely noticed a slowdown in processes. Public market valuations are coming down and that cascades all the way down through the different private stages. Normally, it's a six-month lag. We're starting to see that kick in. We're also in the lull of summer where things tend to slow down a little bit on the deal-making side, so this is consistent with what we're seeing in the market.” - Shiyan Koh

“The general rule is things always take longer than you think. If you're going to raise, you need to start sooner and you need a plan B. You need to figure out if there’s a way you can get to cashflow breakeven faster in order to take control of your own destiny. We're seeing that in good and bad ways. In good ways, people have been cutting a lot and some companies are finding out they’re running a little too fast and can achieve similar results on a much lower opex space. The bad thing is that some people won't cut in time and they're not going to make it.” - Shiyan Koh

“A lot of protectionist policies have started to come out. India recently did an export ban on rice, which also has a net transfer of wealth and consumer surplus dynamic. Who benefits and who doesn’t? The winners at the top of my head are the small medium manufacturers in Indonesia and the domestic workforce that's associated with it. Another thing I think about is that there could be some e-commerce enablers or middlemen who basically are buying these goods in the right regulatory licensing. These middlemen would benefit to some extent because the demand will still be there.” - Jeremy Au

In this conversation, Jeremy Au and Shiyan Koh discussed the ever-evolving Southeast Asia startup landscape. The discussion covers three main themes:

1. Startup Funding Decline: They discussed the significant 56% decline in startup funding in the first half of 2023, as reported by DealStreetAsia. This sheds light on the complexities entrepreneurs face in securing financial support and the need for strategic planning, timeboxing, and adaptability in uncertain times.

2. Indonesia's E-commerce Law: They talked about Indonesia's decision to ban imported goods below $100 on e-commerce platforms and have digital marketplaces seek permits and pay taxes like small businesses. They explored the implications of this move for businesses and those who will benefit (small, medium manufacturers, e-commerce enablers & middlemen) and those who won’t (ByteDance’s TikTok, Chinese manufacturers & e-commerce platforms selling cheap items). 

3. Globalization and Protectionism: They shared their insights on the pros and cons of protectionist policies adopted by some countries. They discuss how these measures can impact local companies' growth and competitiveness, raising questions about finding a balance between protecting domestic industries and fostering global trade.

They also shared valuable tactics for founders aspiring to raise, India’s legislation on regulating low-cost, low-value cross-border products and the resurgence of deal volume in Vietnam.

Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/startup-funding-decline

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