REMIX: Album 4 Track 9 – Kieve Huffman, Chief Executive Officer, Engager Brands

Hey Brand Nerds! We have a first for our podcast in today's episode - we are talking cannabis - along with a wide range of experiences from our guest Kieve Huffman. From his first brand love experience that inspired him into a career in the music industry through a journey of start-ups, Kieve brings great conversations around being early to industry trends and how to prioritize a work-life balance. 

Join us as we talk about the following key takeaways: 

You may think you are just experiencing a brand, but it could be the catalyst to your passions and a successful careerBeing early to trends may seem like the "cool" thing to do - but what if you're too early?Cannabis Brand Development vs Traditional Brand Development63% of Americans agree that cannabis should be legal. 73% of Americans agree that cannabis should be used for medical purposes.  

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