REMIX: Album 4 Track 12 – The Beauty of Duality w/Matt Tumminello, President at Target 10

Hey Brand Nerds! We have a treat for you today! We have Matt Tumminello in the virtual building dropping jewels from both his career and personal experiences as a leader in the LGBTQ+ marketing space.

Jolted to impactful and meaningful action after witnessing 9/11 as a New Yorker, Matt dove headfirst into the LGBTQ+ marketing space through the launching of his business Target 10. As they say, "they apply deep LGBTQ consumer insights and cultural intelligence to brand strategy, marketing and creative, demonstrating to LGBTQ consumers that your brand 'gets it and gets me.'"

A few key takeaways from the episode:

Be fearless. In work and in life. Be very careful with your comments from a business perspective, you may also be making a comment about that very human that's in front of you.There is beauty in duality 



Learn More About Target 10

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