The excitement of a new product or service, the tingle of uncertainty, the ambition that makes you throw caution to the wind — these are all parts of what make up the thrill of marketing a startup. But can you use those same things to drive the marketing within an existing company? 

It was this idea that inspired Pablo Marvel — who was fresh from a startup — to take on the role of Chief Marketing Officer at legacy real estate company Brown Harris Stevens. This week Pablo shared how he used his startup mentality to shake up the marketing at the 150-year-old company, taking it from stuffy and dated to a modern classic. 

What we discussed:

- Why internal buy-in is essential to pivoting a marketing department, and how Pablo achieved that buy-in

- What Pablo did with a limited budget to create more engaging content for a digital marketplace

- Why it’s okay — and even essential — to try lots of different marketing tactics before settling on a strategy

- The role that “radical optimism” plays in a startup mentality

- Why Pablo believes that forward motion can be more important than aiming for a specific goal

- The importance of bringing humanity and personality into your brand, especially in today’s world