In past Brand Land episodes we’ve talked a lot about the importance of communication and consistency within a company, especially when it comes to marketing messaging. But what exactly should you be doing to ensure that the actions and speech of your frontline employees are aligning with corporate marketing goals? 

Fortunately, we found an expert on that very topic. Christopher Wallace is the Co-founder and President of InnerView Group, a marketing consulting firm whose services help companies “effectively transfer their brand messages to their employees and partners on the front lines.” We sat down with Christopher to learn more about how he aligns customer experience with brand messaging.

What we discussed:

- The monetary and intangible value of providing a customer experience that is consistent with company messaging and culture

- Why it’s important that front line workers not only know the message but believe in the message

- How to create messaging that both aligns with the brand and resonates with frontline workers

- Why marketers are in a unique position to make a difference in the behavior of frontline workers

- How to get valuable feedback from frontline workers that can create a more effective corporate marketing strategy