Marketing and PR are like fraternal twins that often get mistaken for identical twins. Despite being similar in purpose, they’re markedly different in approach, but that doesn’t mean they can’t work together — in fact, they’re more powerful when they do.

This week I sat down with Ashley Murphy (Brennan) to talk about her role in PR as Senior Vice President of Communications at Brown Harris Stevens and how she works with her company’s marketing department to communicate important messages about their brand.

What we discussed:

- What Ashley learned from her career in journalism that has helped shape her PR strategy

- The biggest differences between PR and marketing, and how understanding these differences can help both departments work together better

- Why it’s important for marketing and PR to have a functional relationship, and how to achieve it

- Real-life examples of how Ashley has coordinated with the Brown Harris Stevens marketing department to promote important brand messages

- The most important shifts in the world of PR that marketers should be aware of as they work with their PR teams