It takes creativity, innovation and a decent dose of nerve to tackle a rebrand of one of America’s most iconic sports organizations, especially when the majority of the organization is run by volunteers. But Liz Brown, Senior Vice President and CMO at Little League International, did just that. 

In this first part of a two-part series with Liz, she discusses her strategic approach to the Little League rebrand and shares the specific, actionable steps she used to set the stage for this daunting endeavor (whose effects would be felt in 80 countries across the globe). 


What we discussed:

- How a general sense of unease nudged Liz and her colleagues to view Little League in a new light and embark on a brand identity project 

- What Liz and her team did to manage concerns from those worried that the organization would lose aspects of its heritage in the rebranding process

- The benefits of partnering with an outside agency to distill brand messaging and ensure that it resonated with Little League’s target audience

- How Liz used strategic discussion sessions to include individuals from all levels of the organization in the discovery phase and as the rebranding progressed

- Why it’s important to recognize that branding is about more than just a logo, and why storytelling should be at the heart of any rebranding