The most successful brands all have one important thing in common: they feel human. But is it possible to build a human-centered brand in the traditionally less-than-human B2B space?

I sat down with Degreed’s VP of Brand, David Johnson, and VP of Product Marketing, Todd Tauber, to learn more about how Degreed is taking a fresh, human approach in marketing their B2B HR product using a combination of deep-dive research, customer education and distinct brand identity.  

What we discussed:

Why B2B companies are shifting from a standardized approach to building more human-centered products  What B2B brands can learn about human-centered marketing from B2C brands How B2B brands can make their products stand out in a marketplace flooded with similar products How to create a brand that looks, thinks, sounds and feels authentic, human and unique The importance of defining exactly what your brand is and what it stands for The value of top-down leadership in brand personality creation and messaging consistency