"There is no better time to start a media venture because you no longer need the approval of some executive somewhere or pass a Myers Briggs personality test in order to get a show. You can just start it." - David Pakman (Host of The David Pakman Show)

Today we interview David Pakman, Host of The David Pakman Show; a multi-platform politics and news talk show currently airing on TV, radio and online. You'll want to listen to this interview to learn more about the rise of independent marketing, how technology is giving more of a competitive advantage to those looking to tell a story and David's words of wisdom on how to leave an impact through marketing and digital media when entering into the media industry.

More information about David:


Twitter: twitter.com/davidpakmanshow
Facebook: www.facebook.com/davidpakmanshow
YouTube: www.youtube.com/thedavidpakmanshow
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/david.pakman/

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Facebook: www.facebook.com/waverleyknobs
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Free Speech TV:

The David Pakman Show subreddit:

The David Pakman Show - Podcast on iTunes:

Valley Free Radio:

MassLive Article on David Pakman:

David Pakman on Nancy Grace's HLN Show: KS Shooting Suspect:

Neil Degrasse Tyson Interview:

Pacifica Radio:

Ben Carson and Donald Trump:

Paid political online trolls:

Myers Briggs Test:

Sample Episode Transcription:

Evin: Thank you for listening to episode 30 of Branch-Out: The Digital Media & Marketing Podcast with Evin Charles Anderson and Tatiana Ivan. Today we have a very special guest that we're very excited about. It is David Pakman from The David Pakman Show. Now if you haven't heard of David Pakman, let me tell you, you're missing out. He has an absolutely amazing political commentary show, which is multi-platformed and is on radio, television, and internet. It's airing on Pacifica radio stations, Free Speech TV via DIRECT TV and Dish Network, and on public access TV nationwide and via internet podcast or even YouTube. David holds an MBA from Bentley University and an Undergraduate Degree in Economics and Communications from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. David is also joined by producer and childhood friend, Louis Motamedi.
Thank you very much for joining us today David. We really appreciate you being here.
David: Thanks for having me.
Evin: Absolutely. We're very excited. We are big fans of your podcast and as well as of your show. We were [inaudible 00:01:25] about that, especially on YouTube, which you can capture certain clips and everything from. You have a great membership structure to it too. Can you go a little bit into that?

[Learn more today by listening to the entire episode!]

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