SPECIAL EPISODE: Diversity Matters in the Middle Market, brought to you by the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) and Connection Builders.

Today we are joined by Leon Brujus, a Partner at Palladium Equity Partners. Leon shares his three-pronged approach to diversity that he and his firm use. We discuss the importance of cognitive diversity and how it drives decision-making and creates alpha. Leon also shares his personal experiences of feeling like an outsider and the challenges he overcame to become his authentic self.  

Key Points From This Episode: 

Value that lies in cognitive diversity.The problem with the way diversity is viewed by many organizations.Findings from studies which highlight the value of diversity. Leon’s personal experience as an outsider.Limitations of homogeneity within organizations.Benefits that come from being your authentic self.Leon runs through the three-pronged approach to diversity that he has developed.One step that everyone can and should take in the direction of enhanced diversity.Some of the diversity-focused organizations that Palladium Equity Partners supports. The importance of understanding that finding diverse talent is a challenging task because it takes you out of your comfort zone.

Leon Brujis on LinkedIn
Palladium Equity Partners
ACG DEI Committee Mission and Resources
Connection Builders
Alex Drost on LinkedIn