Often, we put in so much time and effort to create a brand identity, but we don't realize that there's a huge disconnect between that brand identity and our consumers' perception of our brand image. In this episode, we are joined by Lydia Michael, Founder of Blended Collective, a multicultural marketing firm that helps people and brands reach and engage diverse audiences. We discuss the difference between brand identity and brand image, their importance, and what to do to ensure that they align. Lydia also explains how consumers increasingly support brands that have meaning and are purpose-driven and the importance of picking values and brand pillars that you know you can live out as a brand. We then discuss the Blended Collective's multicultural and diversity work, how it intersects with brand, and how to build brand love through authenticity, humanizing, personalizing experiences, and storytelling.  

Key Points From This Episode: 

How there is often a disconnect between who a brand says they are and who they are perceived to be.Brand identity versus brand image and the importance of them aligning. What brands need to consider to ensure that their brand identity aligns with brand image. What to do about the brand pillars that you associate with your brand that consumers are not perceiving.How Blended Collective ensures that brand identity and brand image align.  The importance of picking values and brand pillars that you know you can live out as a brand.How to build brand love through authenticity, humanizing, personalizing experiences, and storytelling. The importance of brand love to a successful business. 

Lydia Michael
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