This week’s BrainTap Business Journal Podcast features Henry O’Connell, who brings us some of the most exciting and innovative information in brain-based wellness we’ve seen in a long time. Mr. O’Connell represents Canary Speech, a company that specializes in identifying human conditions through speech. They’re utilizing amazing technology to innovate health care.

With a background in analytical chemistry and applications in health care systems and medical devices, Henry O’Connell and Jeff Adams, whose background is speech and language science, are making incredible strides using speech and language to classify human diseases such as concussion, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and more. They have learned how to identify biomarkers in speech that correlate to specific conditions and they’re innovating the way diagnosis and treatment are handled in the medical community.

Canary Speech has built language models that identify with a 96% accuracy rate in a matter of minutes, which allows a physician to identify problems quicker and more accurately--and begin effective treatment earlier. Approximately six million people have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s with approximately 20 million people being impacted by the effects of the disease--numbers that affect not only the patient but the caregivers as well. Diagnosis with current testing averages at about 60% accuracy, leaving many people untreated. With Canary Speech’s technology, testing can be done much sooner, more efficiently and with greater accuracy to help more people.

Henry will also be sharing how Canary Speech is working to expand in numerous health and wellness arenas and how they’re going to be working to make this technology available to not only doctors but schools and sports communities. They’re also looking at how stress, anxiety, and depression can be identified to assist everybody in managing their health more effectively.

For more information on Canary Speech and its innovations visit Better yet, Henry invites all our listeners to email him directly with questions and comments at [email protected].

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