This week on the BrainTap Business Journal Podcast we have the honor of bringing you Clint Ober, CEO of EarthFX, Inc. Years ago, Clint used his knowledge of the communications industry to create a movement that is still gaining momentum today – the concept of grounding. Following a personal health crisis, Clint embarked on a journey to create health and vitality in his own life. During his travels, he noticed most people wore rubber-soled shoes and he wondered if this disconnect from the earth’s energy could be affecting the earth ability to reduce inflammation and promote healing in the human body. So, he made it his life’s work to study and prove his theory. Over the next few decades, he and his team have participated in numerous research studies backed by some of the most prestigious universities in the country to demonstrate how grounding can promote maximum body function and help reduce inflammation.

Clint’s grounding movement has brought life-changing concepts to the world and now his technology can be found in cancer clinics, the Desert AIDS Center, Deepak Chopra Center/Inner space, rehab centers, and wellness spas across the country. He’s also working with school systems to have grounding carpets placed in special needs classrooms to help enhance educational opportunities for special needs children.
Listen in now to hear Clint’s story, learn what ground is, and how grounding ourselves with earth’s energy can be the start of a whole new health journey for all of us. This is a podcast you will not want to miss. Once you’ve listened, see below for links to Clint’s movie, which has won numerous awards on the film festival circuit, including the “Audience Choice Award” at the Hollywood Film Festival’s Dances with Films. You’ll also want to check out the 13-minute video introduction to “The Earthing Movie.”
To watch the 13-minute video trailer of the 2019 documentary, “The Earthing Movie” visit
To view the full 1 hour and 15 minute “The Earthing Movie” documentary visit and use the password earthing.

For more information on the studies conducted on this amazing technology visit
To see the products Clint Ober has developed visit:

And for more information on BrainTap and Dr. Porter visit
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