Previous Episode: From Pain to Brain!

This week on the BrainTap Business Journal Podcast we’re excited to introduce Paul Sorbo, Director of Sales from WAVi Medical. If you haven’t heard of WAVi yet, we can’t recommend this podcast enough. You will get the inside track on one of the up and coming secret weapons in brain-based wellness. This simple, yet effective technology will revolutionize what you can accomplish in your practice on a day to day basis for patients suffering from concussion, Alzheimer’s and more--and you can learn the markers that predict how your patients’ brains may perform in the future. This allows a practitioner to truly individualize the care each and every patient is given in practice, maximizing their results and recovery.

WAVi is on the forefront of helping our troops recover from PTSD, helping athletes recover from concussion syndrome and TBI, helping cardiovascular patients improve heart health, and so much more. This device will become the gold standard in clinics that utilize BrainTap as it will effectively help demonstrate the efficacy of the BrainTap on your client’s brains, each and every time. WAVi has conducted several studies and trials to prove out their theory that this device is truly on the cutting edge of brain-based wellness. To hear the amazing results they’ve gotten in these studies and to receive a special offer available to BrainTap Business Journal listeners, be sure to listen to this week’s podcast.

Once you’ve tuned in and you are ready to hear more about WAVi and what it can offer your practice, be sure to visit for more information. The WAVi team invites you to contact them with any and all questions you may have.

For more information on Dr. Porter and the BrainTap story visit:

Click here to receive a FREE 30-day trial to the BrainTap Mobile App!