In this episode, we invited Damion Lupo. Damion is a black belt not only in martial arts but in real estate as well. He owns multi-million dollars properties but has had his own share of ups and downs. Currently, he helps fellow entrepreneurs and small business owners so they can live the kind of life they want to live.


Who Damion is

How he got into real estate

Why and how he built a 150-house portfolio

His reflection on how he invested all over the place

On being creative by solving people's problem

His version of retirement

Difference between wealth and a big paycheck

Purpose versus passion

What financial freedom is

On having confidence

Thoughts on having advisers take care of investing

Skills one should have to be a great investor

On being clear about what you really value

Some of his mistakes

First 2 people you should hire

What he is helping people with

What he would tell his newbie self if he’ll start all over

On his mission of freeing people from money bondage


"Go solve a seller's problem and you can create unbelievable wealth." "Always be contributing for something that matters." "Wealth is freedom to choose." "Confidence allows you to play to win." "Our life is a reflection of our environment and our belief system."