Zack Childress is one of the leading experts in the real estate and virtual investing business.He has mentored students and has consulted all over the USA and the world to those who want to learn the secrets of investing in real estate for big profits.

Zack specializes in teaching investors how to get started and how to grow their real estate investing business.

Zack is one of the few investors to have successfully maneuvered through the housing crash and come through it more successful than most. He has mastered the craft of investing in bad and good markets and that comes with years of experience.


On finding and applying a system

The 4 tiers:

Tier 1: Wholesaling

Tier 2: Creative Financing

Tier 3: Rehabbing

Tier 4: Buy and hold

Who Zack Childress is

How Zack got into real estate

On doing a strategy called co-wholesaling

How he started evolving

On having a team called deal partners

On growing his business

On coaching people

How his deal partners work

What's next for Zack

On being a good negotiator

What his team looks like


"It wasn't that they studied everything or read all the books. It is the fact that when they did get something, they consumed it and applied it." "You got to work the process." "The more you learn, the more you grow. And the older you get, you evolve into doing what you want to do."