Dr. Renee is a double board certified doctor who has been working with women for over 20 years and due to her own personal health challenges, she stepped outside the box of conventional medicine to take a radically different approach to heal herself from the deep depths of burnout. Now Dr. Renee empowers women to take control of their health, jumpstart their energy, improve their confidence and reignite their libido!

Following Dr. Renee's journey through this interview was so incredibly inspiring! Listen in or jump over to our YouTube channel (link below) to watch the video podcast.

Connect with Dr. Renee...

Email: [email protected]
Online: www.DrReneeWellenstein.com
Facebook: Renee.Wellenstein
Instagram: DrReneeWellenstein
YouTube: c/DrReneeWellenstein
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/love-the-leap-with-dr-renee/id1465483819

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Twitter: @brainlady
LinkedIn: BrainLadyJulie
Instagram: BrainLadyJulie
YouTube: Julie Brain Lady Anderson OR YourBestMind

Think you'd be a great guest on Brain Lady Speaks? Message the Pinky to Julie's Brain, Kelli at [email protected]

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For more information on becoming a Certified Brain Personality Connection Specialist email Julie at [email protected] or visit YourBestMindLLC.com

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