What are the most common reasons executives avoid difficult conversations? Why is it an important skill set for leaders to develop? What are the 4 ways people communicate? What is the ladder of conclusions? What are the common blind spots that cause breakdowns in communication that lead to conflict? YOU WANT AND NEED TO HEAR THE ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS! This incredible interview will give you insight on how the brain often sabotages our conversations even before they begin. Build better communication and therefore better relationships through training your brain. Find out how on the Brain Lady Speaks show today.

To connect with Wendy and take advantage of her CUSTOM designed for my listeners Executive Conversation Coaching Package send her and email at [email protected] and visit her website www.wendynolin.com for her secret weapons tip sheet. Connect on social media LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendynolin/, Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WendyNolin/, YouTube channel

For more info on the YBM Certification Program email Brain Lady Julie at [email protected] or visit the site www.YourBestMindOnline.com Connect with Brain Lady Julie on all of the social media places FACEBOOKhttps://www.facebook.com/purplebrainlady/ or https://www.facebook.com/YourBestMindOnline/LINKEDIN: BrainLadyJulie TWITTER: @BrainLady INSTAGRAM:BrainLadyJulie