What is the secret to being a great public speaker who speaks with confidence and strength? How can a person develop that confidence and crush the fear? What is actually taking place in the brain of a person when they experience this fear? If you have ever asked yourself those questions then you are in the right place.

Today Brain Lady Julie will interview the amazing Carla Rieger. She is an expert in the area assisting people to break through their fears in all facets of life. Through her business, The Art of Change Training and Consulting, she guides people to achieve more in their life and business. Today she will answer the questions:

What exactly is public speaking? What is going on in a person’s brain when they are afraid of public speaking? What is an example of something a person can do to shift how their brain is reacting in real time?

These and other gems of her knowledge you will gain access to during the program. If you want to connect more with Carla and get her product “Story Telling in Business” please visit her sight:

www.carlarieger.com or go directly to the page for the complementary download The Confident Speaker https://goo.gl/kWjVdu or for her course https://goo.gl/kvYHuS 

To connect with Julie Brain Lady Anderson go to :www.YourBestMindOnline.com or email [email protected]

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