Get ready for another dose of automotive wisdom in part 2 of our special episode featuring Matt Rivest from Precision Auto Repair! Hosted by none other than the remarkable Auto Repair Shop Coach, James Stephenson, and the ever-entertaining Pat Kelly, this episode is packed with valuable insights and a touch of humor that will leave you in splits.

In this segment, we tackle a listener's burning question about maintaining consistency among staff, and you won't believe the depth of knowledge that unfolds. We delve into the critical art of hiring the right people, where James and Matt share their secrets for success in the world of Automotive Technicians. The key? A rigorous vetting process and a constant recruitment strategy that ensures a steady stream of top talent.

But what's a Boys Under The Hood episode without a dash of humor? Pat graces us with a joke that leaves us all scratching our heads – you won't want to miss it! And of course, we extend our heartfelt thanks to Matt for joining us on the podcast and sharing his invaluable insights. Tune in for the latest tips and tricks in the world of hiring Automotive Technicians, and let's keep those wheels of knowledge turning! 🚗🔧

 #AutoRepairShopCoach #HiringTechnicians #BoysUnderTheHood #Humor #IndustryInsights

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