Before we get started, a special shout-out to listener Wendy for her lovely feedback about the podcast and her financial support. Learn more here

00:00 - 02:24 | Welcome to Bound & Determined℠, Dustyne Bryant and Cat Ferris!  Dustyne and Cat are each one-half of the duo that hosts the podcast Awkward Insurance, sponsored by The National Alliance

02:25 - 05:54 | Meg is checking from Denver this time - the sun is shining for her today. Dustyne is in central Arkansas and has a different feeling about winter weather after a recent trip to Florida. Cat is in north-central Florida - where you can wear both a parka and flip-flops in the very same day. Meg shares more about the wardrobe challenges she faces as a #digitalnomad. Limited options mean she's wearing things out which helps her to appreciate what she has in a different way.

05:55 - 06:44 | When three podcast hosts come together on a podcast, it's natural to talk about...a podcast! Meg was previously a guest on Awkward Insurance and is viewing this conversation as a continuation of the great dialogue they started there. One of the challenges of hosting a podcast is the willingness to go deeper into topics - holding space for our guests to do the same.

06:45 - 09:30 | Cat shares more about her start in podcasting; Dustyne hosted for a full year before Cat joined the show, which helped her to see her own path to success. Embracing social media has been the true challenge for her in this season of her life - letting others have a glimpse into our personal lives can be a real shift - and a rush. 

09:31 - 11:32 | The 5 Love Languages are a real thing - Meg shares that hers is "words of affirmation" and social media can provide that dopamine hit that she craves. But strangers on the internet are just that - and unless those consuming content with those who create it choose to engage, there can be a loneliness to showing up on social media. Social media helped provide a bridge during the pandemic, too, in many cases.

11:33 - 12:44 | Do you have a best friend at work? Both Cat and Dustyne started in their current roles working remotely. Building and maintaining connection in the virtual world is a challenge. 

12:45 - 16:59 | Dustyne shares more about the origin of Awkward Insurance - she didn't start hosting willingly, but has been able to embrace the role of host beautifully. Having a mentor who sees our abilities and pushes us in a healthy way to see our potential is an invaluable gift.

17:00 - 18:53 | We are 100% our own worst critics. Dustyne felt a vulnerability - keeping her in her head and up at night. It gets better with time, but can feel so heavy. 

18:54 - 20:09 | Dustyne talks through the idea of having split social media personalities - work and personal - and how she's challenged to do this. She's created a work-around that allows her to share the open parts of her life, but it's not a perfect solution. 

20:10 - 22:59 | Boundaries are so important - even as podcast hosts, there are things we still won't talk about, and that's the decision each of us has to make. Some push those boundaries and others don't - either way, this is real life and is different for each of us. Cat reminds us that we don't owe anyone more of ourselves than what we're willing to share. 

23:00 - 24:59 | Parenting opens up a whole new set of challenges when it comes to sharing on social media. Young adults today have had so many of their life's milestones shared on social media, and are now living with the consequences of having that information so accessible.

25:00 - 26:59 | Meg recently changed her Instagram handle from her business name to her personal name. When we show up in different ways, it can be hard to bundle them up in one cohesive way and opens up a whole new sense of vulnerability. Meg reflects on her experience with the podcast and all that she's learned as a result.

27:00 - 30:43 | Cat shares more about her disdain for small talk. Deep, meaningful conversations fill her up - her love language is an extra one - sharing secrets. We talk about passion - do we need to have passion for the work we do? Meg shares more about her passion - holding space for stories. Relationships are fuel - the good, real, raw stuff - and Meg relates so closely to Cat in this way.

 30:44 - 34:09 | Let's chat about building relationships in the virtual world. Those of us who have been at this for a while have the benefit of past experience and credibility. Starting from the beginning is a totally different story. Dustyne shares more about her decision to join an organization remotely just before the pandemic shut-down.

34:10 - 37:04 | We circle back to the concept of having a "workplace bestie" - but making and growing connections with colleagues is a real thing. How do you approach someone? How do we navigate different work styles? Dustyne and Cat have had to navigate this as they go, creating a safe and bold dynamic despite the distance.

37:05 - 40: 19 | How many times have you over-shared on a Zoom or Teams meeting? It's Meg's nature to second-guess what she shares from time to time. It's an experience so many of us share. Communication isn't a perfect journey; how can we give one another the grace to share, even when it's uncomfortable for us?

40:20 - 42:19 | Cat's love language isn't words of affirmation; honoring the space that others take to share their stories is so important. Self-awareness is required in order to see others' love languages - but the rewards from doing so can be so fulfilling.

42:40 - 44:56 | Dustyne leaves us with an important final thought on communication. Thanks for being here, Dustyne and Cat, and for having this conversation with us.

To learn more about the work they're doing to support insurance professionals, connect with Dustyne on LinkedIn and follow her on Instagram, and connect with Cat on LinkedIn and follow her on Instagram. Learn more about Awkward Insurance and join the community when you head on over here.

To learn more about this podcast, and the work Meg McKeen does to support insurance professionals, visit Adjunct Advisors.  

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