This is Meg's first solo episode - where she's the host and the guest. Thanks for tuning in!

00:00 – 04:00 | It’s the final episode of season 3 of the podcast and the recording is taking place on the shore of Lake Michigan, where Meg is spending the next month. For context, earlier this year, Meg sold her home and most of her things and has been traveling while growing Adjunct Advisors LLC. So much learning and so many lessons learned! 

04:01 - 5:59 | Meg’s decision to stop coloring her hair has nothing to do with insurance - but rather being a woman. There’s been a lot of curiosity surrounding her decision, and she talks about the emphasis - and value - we place on our physical appearance in the insurance industry. She knew there could be consequences and likely wouldn’t have had the courage to make this change if not for the path she’s currently on.

06:00 - 7:09 | Changing our appearance is a personal choice and Meg found her first gray hair when she was 21 - and they don’t stop once they start.

7:10 - 8:39 | In Meg’s early 30s, after her divorce, Meg started to color her hair - every 6 weeks, and then eventually as often as every 3 weeks.

8:40 - 10:49 | In the fall of 2019, life changed again - three things happened - a trip, a death, and a break-up - and Meg knew it was time to “ditch the dye.”

10:50 - 12:23 | Once you decide to embrace your silver, how do you do it? Meg shares the three options as she saw them and the one that she chose. P.S. from Meg: Brené Brown and I aren’t actually friends - but thanks for thinking I could ever be that cool! If you’ve been listening for awhile, you’ll hear me talk about her work a lot as it has very much influenced my own.

12:24 - 13:38 | There’s no way to avoid "the awkward phase" as Meg described it. It seemed like time had stopped! Having the support of other women experiencing this at the same time was key.

13:39 - 14:59 | Meg chose to embrace the journey and chronicle her experience in photos and by sharing her experience through social media. There was a lot of curiosity - and questions - about the decision and the process. Our attitude makes so much difference as people are looking to us for a reaction - and we set the tone.

15:00 - 17:29 | It took about a year and a half for the transition to be complete, but there was frustration in thinking it would never get there! And Meg learned that investing in high-quality hair products enhances her silver - and they’re worth it!

17:30 - 18:31 | Maybe this isn’t about gray hair for you - but something else. What tiny next step can you take?

18:28 - 22:16 | Meg reflects back on a few of her favorite podcast episodes, including episode 1.01 Style is Personal with Alison Hamilton-Rohe, episode 2.02 Matters of the Heart and Home with Elizabeth Abramson, a dating coach, and episode 2.07 Strength in Her Story with my friend Nichole Johnson. We could use your prayers.

19:00 - 20:24 | Season 4 is underway and we’re going to go there - planned topics include infertility, menopause, and body image. What else is on your mind?

20:25 - 21:27 | Before we go, if you’d like to show your commitment to supporting women in insurance financially, consider becoming a sponsor of the podcast. And keep an eye out for information about the series of events Meg will be hosting around the country when Bound & Determined hits the road this fall. 

21:28 - 22:16 | We made it! Thank you for supporting the podcast and every single way you show up to support Meg and the work she does.

To learn more about the work Meg McKeen does to support insurance salespeople, through private coaching and workshop facilitation, visit Adjunct Advisors.

To stay up-to-date on offerings, ideas, and Meg's latest travel plans, subscribe to To Taking the Risk here.

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