Are you looking to learn more about investing in Commercial Real Estate? Wanting to make your first investment but don’t know where to start? Our guest this week gives us an inside look on Property Management and how to always come out on top.

This week, I am talking with Aaron Walker, President of Capital Properties & Vice President of Capital Property Management, as we learn the ABC’s of investing in Real Estate. With his background in serving in the Navy and studying Engineering for ten years, Aaron shares what ultimately led him to becoming his own Property Manager.

We discuss the difference(s) between Residential and Commercial Real Estate and why there are less risks involved in purchasing larger properties vs. smaller properties. We also discuss what banks are looking for and how to ensure you get the most out of your investments.

Be sure to listen in as Aaron shares the secret weapon behind his successful career and what has been his most valuable asset!

Topics Discussed

Viewing Patience and Due Diligence as the keys for Success
Challenges faced behind Real Estate Investment
Why studying utility bills helps determine future success
Resources for learning more about commercial Real Estate
Benefits of gathering information from other Industries
How Property Management can make or break your Investment

Connect with Aaron Walker

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Contact Capital Property Management

Call: (857) 277-4741
Email: [email protected]

Connect with Mark Condon


About Boston’s Best of MetroWest

“Highlighting successful business in the MetroWest area of Massachusetts.”

Go behind the scenes with financial planner, Mark Condon, as he asks industry leading experts in the MetroWest area of Massachusetts to talk about their businesses.

Through each episode, Mark will find out what sets these different businesses apart from their competition and how they rose above the inevitable challenges they faced along the way to their ultimate success.