Could your business keep going (and growing) if you took a vacation or had to take time off for any reason? Do you feel like you’re constantly hustling and having to “catch up” if you take any type of break? Have you hit a plateau in your business and how many you can serve (and especially, serve WELL)? Sorry to break it to you, but now that you’re growing, what worked when you got started, won’t get you where you want to go. In fact, YOU might the bottleneck holding your business back.

As our friend and mentor, Ari Meisel says, “when a business is first starting out, it needs a strong founder in the trenches that isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty. But for a business to scale, it needs solid systems and processes, an empowered team, and a replaceable founder who is free to focus on the future.”

In this episode, Ari shares with us how he helps founders to get out of the weeds and spend their time working ON their business rather than IN it. This is a value-packed conversation (as all conversations with Ari are!), so be sure to listen now or bookmark for later.

Ari is the best-selling author of "The Art of Less Doing", and "The Replaceable Founder." He is a self-described Overwhelmologist whose insights into personal and professional productivity have earned him the title, "The Guru's Guru." He can be heard on the award-winning Less Doing Podcast, on international stages speaking to thought leaders and influencers, and for those who prefer the written word, Ari's blog posts on Medium offer immediate and actionable advice for entrepreneurs seeking replaceability.

Get access to Ari’s 3 Keys to Becoming Replaceable here:

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