Isn’t being an entrepreneur the best? How about a mompreneur? Or a solopreneur? If you’re running your business as a one woman show, you deserve some serious props because you're really out here doing the most! I have to say, I’m proud of you! One thing I talk about a lot is how lonely entrepreneurship can be. Many of us work from our homes, with our children, and are either elbows deep in mom life, or in full blown boss lady mode shut in our caves aka offices, building our empires. But… that build can feel like a slow climb. Especially when you’re on this journey solo. And it's a slow, lonely climb, if you aren’t surrounded by the right community. Running your business as a one woman show has about a million pros and cons, but you know you’re doing it for a reason… and that outweighs it all! Am I right ladies?!? You know that passion, that drive, that calling you can’t quiet. And that is why we keep going. I’ve been a one woman show for over 10 years… and as hard as it can be, I promise it’s worth it! 

Today, I want to share some of the things that have helped me run my businesses solo:

Understand Your Why

Be Clear In Your Message

Build YOUR Brand

Learn To Manage Your Time

Find Your Community 

Automate & Outsource

Invest In The Right Tools & Education

Plan For The Future

Set Goals

If you’re feeling stuck or like you may need some help with any of these things, I’ve got something exciting for you! 

Introducing Boss Ladies and Babies Mastermind! Waitlist is open NOW - 2/18

Join the waitlist for $1000 OFF ENROLLMENT! 

It is time to build the business of your dreams around a life you love! Members of the Boss Ladies and Babies Mastermind will develop an exceptional understanding of who they are as both Entrepreneurs and Mothers. You will be provided with the confidence and support to live your life and grow your business the way YOU want to, and a custom action plan on how to find the "balance" you've been craving.


Whats inside:

Weekly Education

 Part 1 - Your unique balance: Self Management & Gratitude, Time Management & Priorities, Value & Confidence, Identity & Your Why, Finding Your Audience & Niche

Part 2 - Getting real: Current Offerings, Message & How To Use Messaging, Business Pillars, Your Voice, Your story

Part 3- Consistency: Identity Inventory & Aesthetic, Social Media Strategy,  Content Creation

Accountability & Support

As you work through your modules each week, you'll have access to weekly office hours for questions, support, accountability, and guidance to implement what you're learning.

Monthly Meetings

Monthly group meetings help take the content you receive to the next level! Here you will get to connect with the other women in the mastermind face to face, while guided through a discussion on what you've learned. 

1:1 Strategy Session

At the end of the 3 months, each member of the Mastermind will have a 90 minute 1:1 strategy session to discuss everything you've leaned and put together YOUR personal strategy.