We live in the time of information overload! If we have a question or need something for our business, a quick google search will bring us hundreds of answers. Yes, this is handy, but it can also be extremely overwhelming! It can be similar to shiny object syndrome, we just have too much to look at and it makes it hard for us to stay on track. I’ve been guilty of surrounding myself with too many resources and just getting totally lost in the “things I need” that I end up in the same place I was when I started. Talk about frustrating! You really don’t need all the bells and whistles! Especially as moms, we have so many things to juggle, why take on more than we need to? Here is my list of resources you need for your business to make 2022 your most successful year yet!
Project Management Tool
Email Marketing Platform
Community or Mastermind
What resources are you most excited to try this year? Let me know at [email protected]
What if you had a place to go where you felt seen, heard, and supported in your business and motherhood with a community of women who GET YOU? Becoming a founding member of BLAB HQ- your personal headquarters for all things business and motherhood!   https://megangillespie.podia.com/boss-ladies-and-babies-headquarters Does this sound too good to be true? It isn’t, I promise! Remember, I’ve been where you are and I created this space with YOU in mind. So here's what you get:  Monthly Training Workshop With Interactive Worksheets  Monthly Ideation Hour and Q&A  Monthly Networking Events  Weekly Accountability  Weekly Inspiration  Unlimited Connection and Interactions With Like Minded Women ... and SO MUCH MORE!  JOIN NOW! https://megangillespie.podia.com/boss-ladies-and-babies-headquarters