So we have been talking about self love all month on the show, but no matter how much we love ourselves, that pesky imposter syndrome can find a way to sneak in. This usually happens to me when I’m feeling a little overwhelmed or on the road to burnout, when I’m trying something new and I feel out of my league, when I spend too much time scrolling, or for reasons that I don’t even understand. Unfortunately imposter syndrome is something that affects many people (specifically women) and can really derail your boss lady mode, and quickly.

Part of being a Boss Lady is believing in yourself… Even if you feel others don't believe in you. There is room for everyone at the table, and you may not see it now, but your unique experience makes what you have to offer different than anything that's been done before! … hear that again that again…

It is time to stop  comparing yourself to others and start realizing that as long as you stay authentic and true to who you are, no one can provide what YOU have to give! No one is a great as you! And you have something special to share with the world… whether you believe it all the time or not!

Here are some tips I’ve found to help me when I’m facing the imposter in the mirror:

Visualize Your Success

Get Out Of Your Head

Ditch The Idea Of Perfection 

Keep Learning

Surround Yourself With Women You Can Relate To 

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Accept That You Will Fail

Luck didn’t get you there, YOU did. You’ve gotten as far as you have because you’ve bossed up, worked hard, and didn’t take no for an answer. You did this, not an imposter, you!

If you are battling with imposter syndrome please send me a message at [email protected].

 I  would love to talk you through it and offer more tips on how i battle the annoying feelings myself.

What if you had a place to go where you felt seen, heard, and supported in your business and motherhood with a community of women who GET YOU? Becoming a founding member of BLAB HQ- your personal headquarters for all things business and motherhood! 

Does this sound too good to be true? It isn’t, I promise! Remember, I’ve been where you are and I created this space with YOU in mind. So here's what you get:  Monthly Training Workshop With Interactive Worksheets  

Monthly Ideation Hour and Q&A 

 Monthly Networking Events  

Weekly Accountability  

Weekly Inspiration  

Unlimited Connection and Interactions With Like Minded Women ... and SO MUCH MORE!