On this Incredible Episode we have Steve “The Wizard of Oz” Sims. Steve is a Speaker, Author, Coach, Mentor, Brand Designer, Podcast Host. His First Book was titled “Bluefishing-The Art of Making Things Happen” which released in 2017. Back for a 2nd boom this time Titled “Go for Stupid”-Releasing on 10/18/2022. This guys resume is longer than I am tall, he has worked with Elton John, Sir Richard Branson…..He has spoken at Harvard (twice) and even the PENTAGON !!! Check out Sims Distillery, Checkout his website and his Speakeasy Events and what a Speakeasy is !!!

What would you achieve if you weren’t afraid of being laughed at?

In the age of “gotcha” culture, people are terrified to do anything that might be laughed at. Steve Sims is the exact opposite.

In Go For Stupid: The Art of Achieving Ridiculous Goals, Steve teaches you how to ignore what everyone else thinks and go for big, stupid, ridiculous goals. From organizing a private dinner in front of Michelangelo’s David, to securing a tour of SpaceX led by Elon Musk himself, his accomplishments always start with the same questions: How far can I take this? What would make this a stupid achievement? Steve examines famously stupid goals in history, the key habits of successful people, and lessons from his own career to help you let go of your fear and get out of your own way.

If you do something amazing, you will be ridiculed until you are revered. Stop overthinking and go for ridiculous, stupid goals. Once you “go for stupid,” you open the door to the life you always dreamed about. This guy loves his wife of 30 years, motorcycles, dogs and helping make a difference in others lives !!! This is a must listen to Podcast.

FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stevedsims/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/stevedsims IG: https://www.instagram.com/stevedsims Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sdsims/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/stevedsims Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.co 😎💥❤️👍🎊🎈🤯🎉💪🔥🙌🤔🧠💭

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