At the age of 55, David Stone was a successful, internationally known marketing consultant pulling down a healthy six-figures.

He was also living in his car.

Not the “living in his car” as in the road warrior who keeps Hertz in business, but literally, every night pulling into the same highway rest stop, grabbing the pillow out of the back seat, and spending the night with his leg wrapped over the gearshift.

How he got to this situation can be summed up in a few words: Anxiety. Self-doubt. Imposter Syndrome. He had literally worried his way into homelessness.

With that massive wake-up call, he set out to reinvent his life into one defined by fearlessness, joy, and genuine success. He has learned how to completely remove anxiety, self-doubt, and imposter syndrome from his life, and he lives every day, confidently reaching for more goals and rewards that he knows he can achieve.

In this latest episode of the Body Talk podcast, David chats to Alina Jenkins about how imposter syndrome affects more people than you think – particularly left-brainers – and ways we can begin to remove limiting self-belief. They discuss:

• Deconstructing fear into the harmless mental habit that it really is 
• Finding the REAL source of fears and doubts, then letting it go 
• Opting out of anxiety, self-doubt, and imposter syndrome 
• Replace the useless, negative self-talk with new, powerful mental habits