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Welcome to the Practical Ministry segment of the Born To Fly Podcast, hosted by Marketplace Minister, solopreneur, and Born to Fly member, Tracy B Richards. If you are a small business owner who believes that your work is a sacred service, meant to glorify God and serve your neighbors then we invite you to join Tracy as she shares her personal journey, including her insights, highlights, and face-down moments that are all part of the messy journey of following Jesus.

On this episode of the Practical Ministry Podcast, Tracy shares her recent experience with reading Howard Rachinski’s book “Perpetual: The Secret to Finding God in Your 7 Life Seasons” which sparked a profound self-reflection. Tracy talks about a moment in her own journey when she was asked a life-changing question that made her reevaluate her beliefs and values. This ultimately led her to embrace Christianity, despite previously practicing New Age beliefs as a Jewish person. Tracy emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the search for meaning and purpose in life instead of chasing temporary happiness, which our culture often idolizes. Join us for this insightful conversation and Tracy’s inspiring call to action in this episode.

Book: Perpetual by Howard RachinskyLifelinks Podcast: The Secret to Finding God in Your 7 Life Seasons (Part 1)Lifelinks Podcast: The Secret to Finding God in Your 7 Life Seasons (Part 2)Quote from Howard's book: “You may be fine for where you have come from and you may be fine for where you are but you’re not fine for where you are going”For more of Tracy’s content visit:  tracybrichards.substack.com There, you’ll find an abundance of uplifting content, including monthly devotionals, topical articles, and exclusive access to new and archived posts from Tracy’s Process of Illumination Blog.If you’re looking to turn your creative project into a reality, be sure to check out Ezio Perfetto and Backbeat Media on Facebook or visit his website at  Backbeatmedia.caThis episode’s scripture references: Matthew 6: 33-34 - “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for today is its own trouble.”The next episode of Practical Ministry will begin the “Life Review” series and airs on September 15th, 2023.


Head to BorntoFly.faith to find out more about the Platform & Community for Christ-driven Solopreneurs.

Head to BorntoFly.faith to learn more about the Platform for Christ-driven Solopreneurs.

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