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Making a profit from the very first client?

You can.

Rocky Lalvani is an expert in the Proift First approach. He will explain in this episode what this system is and how you can apply it. 

In short: 

Sales – minus expenses = profit

Sales – profit => expenses

What we discuss:

01:14 Who is Rocky and how did you end up being the Profit Man?05:09 How does behavior influence our money mindset?08:24 What is the Biblical view on money and profit?10:45 What is the Profit First system?14:00 How to put Profit First into practice15:12 What is the percentage that should be left for expenses?16:35 What is Rocky’s advice to solopreneurs’ financial system?18:10 Multiple bank accounts?21:03 Where to find more about Rocky and what he does



Colossians 3:5 https://www.biblehub.com/colossians/3-5.htm

Profit Answer Man Podcast https://profitcomesfirst.com/podcast/



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