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Deb helps business owners and solo entrepreneurs change the way they sell. 

I wish I heard her speak years ago.

Just hearing the word "sales" would make me uncomfortable. 

If you feel the same.
If selling is "not your thing" or if sales aren't going well, give this podcast a listen.

We discuss:

Who is Deb and why did she become a sales consultantHow to apply Christian principles to salesJesus and sales? What are you talking about?Doesn’t it make you weak when you serve out of love?What to say if others ask you to lower your price?Some characteristics of selling like JesusDeb’s mistake in her entrepreneurial journey


Steven Covey – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Book; Sell Like Jesus - Deb Brown Maher

Deb's website

Deb's Linkedin

Sell Like Jesus Facebook


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And leave a review if this episode blessed you :)!