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There's hardly a day without Bitcoin news. Whether the value increases or decreases, it makes people talk. 

And I wanted to talk about it. 

Definitely after reading the book: Thank God for Bitcoin. It's written by several authors, one of which is Jimmy Song.

Jimmy is a Bitcoin programmer and has a lot of knowledge on the topic. 
We end up talking about the system itself, the morality of this asset for trade, and...:

What is a bitcoin programmer?Is Bitcoin “good”?Difference between altcoins and bitcoinsBitcoin is used for bad things. Its energy consumption is killing the environment. How is that moral?The sowing and reaping principle applied to bitcoin and doing businessWhere to begin if you want to invest in BitcoinWhere we can find more about Jimmy and bitcoin programming

Mentioned in this podcast:


River Financial

Swan Bitcoin

Bull Bitcoin 

Book: Thank God for Bitcoin

Book: Programming Bitcoin: Learn how to program Bitcoin from scratch

Book: The Little Bitcoin Book

Where to find Jimmy:

Website Programming Bitcoin





Podcast Bitcoin Fixes This 

Newsletter Jimmy Song 


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