If you're continuing on this journey with me, today we're going to be talking about digging even deeper into our persona.

Now that we have our data consolidated it’s time to dig deep into each specific area.

What we’ve built is a Persona → Pain → Feature matrix that helps us dig deeper into the problems and how we offer the solution.

This matrix allows us to tie our features into the problems our clientele has so we know if we actually provide a solution.

I know this sounds basic, but I’ve seen it first hand. Some companies say they fix a problem, but they don’t actually have a feature that offers a solution.

Don’t shove a square peg into a circle hole, it won’t end well.

So each problem is tied to a feature that offers a solution.

We dig into that today.

We also dig into the 

What does it mean? What does it mean to me? How does it Transform my business? and So What? Funnel

If you have any questions at all feel free to reach out at [email protected] or LinkedIn