In today’s podcast we discuss the Blockchain, Tokenization, Security Tokens, Wind Energy in Wyoming and Ziyen Energy acquiring a 35 year wind lease in Wyoming for ZiyenCoins

BOOM! It’s on the Blockchain Podcast moves into video (available on YouTube), we are still available on Spotify and Apple Podcast for our listeners.

Learn More – Financial White Paper

The groundbreaking work of Ziyen Energy and the development of ZiyenCoin, an asset backed blockchain energy token, has been the subject of an in-depth analysis by leading Professors and Researchers from Columbia University, University of Florida and University of Michigan. Alastair Caithness was also a co-author in the financial whitepaper; ‘Finance Infrastructure Through Blockchain-based Tokenization’ This has been published in Frontiers of Engineering Management Financial Journal, and is available to access through Springer –​

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