In this episode on BOOM! It's on the Blockchain, we discuss the difference between Asset Back Security Tokens and bitcoin.  Blockchain is the technology that enables the existence of cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is the name of the best-known cryptocurrency, the one for which blockchain technology was invented, and we discuss how the technology has evolved for asset backed security tokens

Other key topic covered in the latest podcast is about the Kraken Bank, headquartered in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Kraken Bank is the first digital asset company in U.S. history to receive a bank charter recognized under federal and state law, and will be the first regulated, U.S. bank to provide comprehensive deposit-taking, custody and fiduciary services for digital assets.

More Information about Asset Tokenization and Ziyen Energy

Ziyen Energy has created Energy Tokens a robust end-to-end solution to enable the efficient ownership and trading of direct interests in energy producing assets, including oil and gas, solar and wind. In so doing, Ziyen Energy believes it will completely transform the mechanisms by which these valuable assets may be acquired, held and transferred

Prior to Energy Tokens direct investments in energy producing assets have been made exclusively through negotiated private transactions through parties in direct and personal contact with one another, the transfer of even the smallest interests in energy producing assets have required negotiated contracts and physical document filings in antiquated local land registries and the information to support making and monitoring such investments is not readily available to owners and other stakeholders or preserved in a complete and unalterable form for the life of the project and beyond.

The Energy Tokens platform has been developed to address these inherent problems by democratizing energy investment opportunities, creating liquidity for illiquid energy investments, and facilitating better access to capital for energy development projects.

Please visit and if you would like additional information