It is Presidential Primary season in America with the Democrat party taking center stage to find out who will be running against President Trump in 2020, but there is currently a presidential primary race afoot for the third largest party in America, the Libertarian Party.

Libertarians believe that the government should have minimal interference in the lives and finances of its citizens. The cryptocurrency community believes in a monetary system free from centralized oversight, with decisions driven by the masses rather than government.

They say Bitcoin only really took off in valuation when it was heavily invested by Libertarian Party Followers.

See the overlap, and for today’s podcast we are joined by Adam Kokesh, a radio personality and political activist who leads the pack in terms of donations at the end of last filing period.*

Today we discuss the Blockchain, ZiyenCoin and the American Localization Policy of the Libertarian Party.

For more information about Adam Kokesh visit -

For more information about Ziyen and ZiyenCoin visit

*Source about Adam Kokesh leading Libertarian candidate fundraising featured in Spectator :

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