In a podcast with Alastair Caithness, CEO of Ziyen Inc. an energy and technology company, and Adam Blumberg, co-founder of  and ET Consulting-- which specializes in helping companies utilize Blockchain and Decentralized Ledger Technologies--engaged in a discussion which posed broad and obvious questions such as “why should people care about the blockchain,” and explored this topic by using comparisons related to the emergence of the internet over 30-years ago and how the blockchain is in actuality the definition of a more practicable version of the internet: “a better, more improved, transparent and immutable version of what we have is pervasive and it will be the underpinning of everything we do,” stated Adam Blumberg.

Alastair Caithness adds:

“Adam has provided commentary on how Blockchain technology is the manifestation of a more streamlined and transparent solution to the inefficiencies that have plagued the oil and gas industry for hundreds of years. This technology will not only allow operators to update and manage data, supply chains, people in much more systematic and cost-effective methods, it will also create vast potentials for liquidity in a previously illiquid market when oil assets are tokenized.”

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