The top 5 self-help books you need to read in 2020! Which are the best self-help books? There are so many but these are 5 that I picked based on the core areas of life that most people are trying to improve.


In ascending order, the top 5 self-help books are:


5. The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod (


This book will help you win the morning so you can make the most of the precious time you have available during the day.


4. Surrounded by Idiots by Thomas Erikson (


This book will help you understand the people in your life better so you can create more meaningful relationships


3. The Road Less Stupid by Keith Cunningham (


This book will help you make the right decisions at key moments in your life.


2. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (


This book explains 13 principles that will teach you how to alter your mindset to achieve financial success and improve every other area of your life as well.


1. Atomic Habits by James Clear (


This book will teach you how to break bad habits and create good ones, an invaluable skill when it comes to improving your life.


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