(Part 1 of 2) Gen. 12-17 & Abraham 1-2 
Come Follow Me 2022 with Farrell & Rhonda Pickering 

Questions Answered this Episode:
1 - What does Abram mean from the Hebrew spelling?
2 - Was Abram telling a lie to the Pharaoh about Saria being his sister?
3 - Do you want to gain clarity in the confusing lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
4 - Can we see the actual star that "ate" the other stars when Abram was born?
5 - How did people know that the signs in the heavens were "marked" at Abrahm's birth?
6 - Why were Abram and Sarai given new names, and what is the meaning behind it?
7 - What was so ironic about Abraham's father Terah?
8 - What are the attributes of Abraham that made him dear to Jehovah? 
9 - Where did Abram get his depth of knowledge, and who were his mentors?
10 - Is Melchizedek the name actually, of one of Noah's sons?
11 - What is the difference between a Unilateral Covenant, & a "Covenant between the pieces?

How are these Old Testament stories helpful lessons or a very telling mirror for our day? What are the correlations, and how will End-Times be fulfilled? The Charts in this episode are amazing, and so useful for years to come.

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