EASTER - "He Will Swallow Up Death" Come Follow Me 2022 with Farrell & Rhonda Pickering
See the FULL Special Video highlighted in this Episode:  https://vimeo.com/695075493
QUESTIONS Answered in this Episode:

1) How long would the Israelites keep a little pet lamb in their home before Passover?
2) How many Feasts vs. Fasts are part of the annual Holy Days? 
3) What is a "High Sabbath" and how does it play into the Timeline of Jesus' Death and Resurrection?
4) What FREE DOWNLOAD can help you with Easter this year? Go to www.Latterdaymedia.com to find out.
5) How did the "High Day" influence with how long Jesus was on the cross/ put in the tomb?
6) What is "The Omer Offering" and what did it symbolize?
7) How does Jesus casting the money changers out of the temple have to do with "leaven?"
8) If Jesus' words and actions could be compared to a chess game with the Pharisees, what was His "checkmate?"
9)  During the "Last Seder" (Supper), what did Jesus tell the disciples while drinking the 4th cup of wine?
10) What did the High Priests do in the Temple for thousands of years, that was repeated for Jesus on the cross?
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