Exodus 1-6: Come Follow Me 2022 with Farrell & Rhonda Pickering

Questions Answered this Episode:

1. What does the name “Moses” mean? How does it describe his mission and ministry?
2. What do Farrell and Rhonda do for a fun “pick-me-up?” They say these Hebrew words: ______?
3. What gave ancient Israel their path to become a nation of power?
4. What was founding Ohio that sheds clues about Hebrew in the Heartland of America? 
5. What one word is taken from the ancient name of Jehovah that gives meaning to all that exists?  What part of Elohim does the name mean?
6. What was accomplished on the 7th day of unleavened bread that freed the Israelites?
7. What does “the breath” mean in many names of Jehovah and ancient prophets and their wives (AbraHAm, SariAH)?
8. How does the prophet Abinadi help us understand the differences between the Father and the Son (One God vs. Gods many)? 
9. Who are 2 possible ancient prophets that could come forth as End-time servants to help deliver the Lord’s people, and testify of Christ?
10. Does God play favorites? Why didn’t God rescue the Egyptians vs. the Israelites in the Red Sea? What gives God permission to intervene in our own lives?
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